
Categoría: Open Libra – SEO / SEM

Words of Wisdom

Author: Varios
Year: 2016
Publisher: Global Young Academy
Pages: 111
Size: 1.72 Mbs (zip)
Language: english

PhD students and postdoctoral researchers often receive from their supervisors words of wisdom that stay with them for the rest of their lives. Good…

Yo Tenía un Juego #11

Author: Varios
Year: 2016
Publisher: Autoedición
Pages: 80
Size: 28.62 Mbs (zip)
Language: spanish

Contenido de este número:
  • REMEMORANDO: Alchemist, Fray Luis, Project-X, Shadowgate Classic, Side Arms - Hyper Dyne, Time Pilot
  • ESPECIAL REMEMBER: Arcade Volleyball, Gynoug, Jabato, La Abadía